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9 original wine phrases

In the world of wine, the culture that surrounds it goes beyond tasting and pairing. Some phrases are like little linguistic jewels that capture the essence and magic hidden behind each bottle. On our journey through the wine tourism universe, knowing these expressions will bring us a little closer to their tradition and culture.

“In vino veritas”

This ancient Latin expression highlights the idea that sincerity is revealed when we share a glass of wine. Wineries that embrace this philosophy offer authentic experiences, where visitors can immerse themselves in wine culture, discovering the truth behind each variety and vintage.

芦Wine is the only work of art that can be drunk禄

Entering wineries that understand this statement is discovering the fusion of wine passion and creativity in each glass.

芦Wine is bottled poetry禄

Wine is much more than a drink: it evokes emotions and awakens the senses, deeply connecting its production with literary creation.

芦Pouring wine is good fate禄

This ancient saying reflects the belief that when wine is spilled, a series of favorable events are triggered that attract luck. By sharing wine, you share not only the drink itself, but the experience, the connection with others, and the celebration of life. Therefore, poured wine can symbolize generosity and abundance.

“With bread and wine the path is walked”

Bread as a staple food and wine, to give a touch of joy and satisfaction to everyday life. According to this well-known saying, these are the foods necessary to face life.

芦From like strain, like wine禄

The characteristics of the grape are not only limited to technical aspects, but also reflect the heritage, the terroir and the care with which the vines are grown. This expression shares the idea that a person’s characteristics and qualities are linked to their origins, education and upbringing, like wine.

芦Water for a scare and wine for a taste禄

When we have a scare, we usually ask for or are offered a glass of water. For a celebration, however, it is always better for us to enjoy a glass of good wine.

芦In winter there is no bad coat with a glass of good wine禄

For wine lovers, it is always a good time to visit a winery and taste their creations. In winter, however, there is no better plan to take refuge from the colder days than to enjoy the cozy feeling and comforting pleasure that this experience offers.

“He who drinks a good wine, returns to drink it”

Those who have enjoyed the experience of tasting a good wine will always return to taste it again. The satisfaction obtained from enjoying a quality wine acts like a magnet, attracting people to repeat the experience.